
We finally have a name and release date for the Breath of the Wild sequel! The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Is Coming May 12th, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch

Check out this trailer for Chained Echoes, a classic SNES-styled RPG, bringing back all the fun things from that era while reinventing and developing them further

Madlittlepixel Finds Out If The $150 TMNT The Cowabunga Collection Limited Edition Is A Rip Off

Elden Ring Secret Haligtree Lore Told By Tyrannicon

Check out the new trailer for River City Girls 2 developed by WayForward Studios and published by Arc System Works

The Cowabunga Collection is out now, so I thought this video from IGN: The Radical History of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Games would be a fun watch

Square Enix's Shadow of the Tomb Raider is free until September 8th on the Epic Games Store

Watch the trailer for the upcoming first-person shooter, Luna Abyss, filled with nightmarish themes.

In this video from the YouTuber Stun Club Soda, they ask the question: "Will there ever be another show like Ren and Stimpy?"

Check out the announcement trailer for the Lords of the Fallen, the new dark fantasy action RPG

Netflix is bringing us a new horror series: Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities, an upcoming American horror anthology based on his short story of the same name

So I recently finished another fun indie title on Xbox Game Pass, Road 96, an adventure video game played from the first-person perspective

Displaced Gamers Investigate The Code For The Broken Water Level of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)

Death Stranding is out on Xbox Game Pass for PC

What Games Are Like For Someone Who Doesn't Play Games by Razbuten

Arcathlon NES speedrun in 4:21:33 by Arcus (Batman, Castlevania, Ninja Gaidens, SMBs, and Zeldas)

Gamescom 2022 - Dead Island 2, Genshin Impact, Hogwarts Legacy & More

The Latest Virtual Reality News With Matteo311