Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion - Official Reveal Trailer
Recently Square Enix revealed several games related to the Final Fantasy VII universe for the 25th anniversary. I still haven't played Final Fantasy VII Remake, but after the announcement of Rebirth, I might need to get on that. I am super excited about Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion. Final Fantasy VII was my first Final Fantasy game. It was my first JRPG, so it holds a special place in my heart. I played it in 2005, so I was a bit late to the party, but it made a lasting impression on me.
Since then, JRPGs have become my favorite type of game, and Final Fantasy is probably my favorite series.
I loved the game so much that I wanted to get deeper into the world of Final Fantasy VII. I watched Advent Children and loved seeing the characters again. I was in my early twenties and broke, I couldn't afford a PSP, but I wanted to play Crisis Core. It wasn't until these last few years that I got a PSP and a copy of Crisis Core. I finally got to play the game, but it was in Italian, which was better than nothing.
Now the remake is coming to PC and consoles, and I am ecstatic.
Nowadays, games in Italy are available in English and Italian, and I can experience the game in English. Plus, since it is not on a portable system, I can share the story with my partner, which is rad. I got to introduce them to Final Fantasy VII when it came out on Switch, so now we can enjoy the prequel together.
Crisis Core Reunion comes out this winter.
Have you played the original PSP title? Are you excited about the remake?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.