Exposing FRAUD And DECEPTION In The Retro Video Game Market by Karl Jobst

I watched this intriguing video from YouTuber Karl Jobst about the current retro video game bubble. I am a casual collector, but I do it for the love of gaming and my nostalgia. I can't afford to pay even hundreds of dollars for a single game, so the prices talked about in this video are outrageous to me. I did find the video informative. I am disappointed that people are trying to manipulate the retro market, but I am not surprised. We see this sort of thing happen all the time, and in different markets as well. People who play games are not even buying these games. I wonder when the bubble will burst in the retro video game market. 

What do you think about video games selling for six figures? Did you find this topic interesting? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


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