Mortal Shell - Release Date Trailer for PS4

Check out this release date trailer of Mortal Shell for the PS4. According to the official website, "Mortal Shell is a deep action-RPG that tests your sanity and resilience in a shattered world. Combat is strategic, deliberate, and unforgiving." I don't know about you, but that sounds badass. It looks pretty damn cool too. Players will be able to inhabit the bodies of different entities thus the title of the game. Mortal Shell shall be unleashed on the PlayStation 4 on August 18th of this year. 

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell

 For more info visit the official website for Mortal Shell at
