Legend of Zelda TV Series?

We have been hearing a lot of rumors that a Legend of Zelda series will be coming to Netflix soon. This news first broke out a few years ago and we have yet to see anything. It's okay though, the longer they take, we are assuming the better it will be. Hopefully it is nothing like the cartoon series that aired on the Super Mario Bros. Super Show in 1989.

This cartoon is probably the reason why Link is a voiceless character in the video game franchise, because he is quite frankly a rather annoying character in the cartoon! He is more annoying than Uncle Grandpa. Link makes us NOT want to be a "hero" like him. Instead of being the humble hero that we all love and respect, Link in this cartoon series is more like a super annoying teenager infused with uncontrollable hormones.  In the very first episode he is heard cat calling Princess Zelda and he is constantly trying to get kisses from her. There is even a moment in the series where Link is attempting to sneak into Zelda's bedroom. And yes, he even gets slapped at one point by the princess. Wtf? Yes, it's true. He is an extremely annoying character which makes us incredibly disappointed.

Link after getting slapped by Zelda!

One of the most frustrating and unbelievably dumb moments is in the second episode "Cold Spells" when Princess Zelda is standing literally right in front of one of the Triforce pieces and instead of reaching for it she allows Link to tell her that they have no more time left and pull her away! She is less than a foot away from it! It makes no sense. It also makes no sense that the Triforce of Courage is never seen nor mentioned. We are assuming that it is never mentioned because they hoped to introduce it to the audience in a later episode but the series was canceled before that could happen. 

The cartoon series does have it's positive moments. They use the familiar sounds of the first two Legend of Zelda games which is really cool and nostalgic. We also get to see iconic weapons/items such as the boomerang, the use of a bow & light arrows and the appearance of rupees. We also see some familiar enemies such as stalfos, octorocks, mummies, a three headed dragon reminiscent of the first castle boss from the first Legend of Zelda game on the NES and of course we cannot forget the arch enemy, Ganon. Other interesting characters are a fairy named Sprite that sorta kinda/not really reminds us of Navi and a horse that sorta resembles Epona but is named Catherine.

Overall, it's an okay cartoon series but definitely not the best that the world of the Legend of Zelda has to offer. We absolutely love The Legend of Zelda, and we do appreciate what the creators of this show were trying to attempt. We just think that it was so early on in the series that Link's character was still, in a sense, being developed by Nintendo and fans alike. 

If you are curious to watch this LOZ animated series from back in the day, we have included links to all episodes below.

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 1) - The Ringer

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 2) - Cold Spells

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 3) - The White Knight

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 4) - Kiss 'N Tell

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 5) - Sing for the Unicorn

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 6) - That Sinking Feeling

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 7) - Doppelganger

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 8) - Underworld Connections

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 9) - Stinging a Stinger

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 10) - Hitch in the Works

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 11) - Fairies in the Spring

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 12) - The Missing Link

The Legend of Zelda - The Animated Series (Episode 13) - The Moblins are Revolting



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